Karim Jerbi, PhD
Full Professor
Département de Psychologie
Université de Montréal
Quebec, Canada
Mila (Quebec AI Institute)
UNIQUE Neuro-AI Center
Canadian MEG Consortium

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CRNL Winter Season Brain Talks 2014
Augmented Cognition & Repaired Brains?
"Du cerveau réparé au cerveau augmenté : quelles perspectives ?"
(Demi-journée conférences & débat)
Interview: Claude Delpuech, Pierre-Emmanuel Aguera, Karim Jerbi, Margaux Perrin, Jérémie Mattout
Duration: 7 min
Directed by: François Demerliac
Coproduction: Universcience, Inserm, Virtuel 2012
► Watch on Universcience TV ! Scientific consulting for print media
Selected Media Coverage
31.10.2011 - Le Point.fr - Science Section and RSS feed
Article title: La fonction "pause du cerveau"
Published on 31/10/2011 [French]
Reports the findings of our study of the electrophysiological underpinnings of the Default-Mode Network which we published in J Neuroscience (Ossandon et al. J Neurosci. 2011)
► PDF Link
Interview by Michel Albergantini on Science Public (France Culture, Paris)
Topic: Neuroscience and Theater with a focus on the project Binôme by Les Sens des Mots in collaboration with Inserm (see Art & Science section)
Guests: Karim Jerbi, Thibault Rossigneux, Antoine Tesnière & François Taddei
► France Culture Program 13.07.2012
30.06.2011: Millénaire 3 / Grand Lyon Resource Center
Interview with K Jerbi about Neuroscience & Robotics [French]
by Caroline Januel
► URL Link ► PDF version
Title: “Verra t’on notre cerveau fonctionner en direct ?”
Program: Science publique on France Culture (Radio France)
Broadcast: Friday, 11.07.2008
Presented by: Alberganti Michel / Produced by: Alléhaut Brigitte
Invited Guests: Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde, Karim Jerbi, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Jean-Luc Martinot & Jean-Yves Nau.
LE POINT (MAGAZINE) - April 2007
Title: "Neurones sous surveillance"
The French magazine Le Point reports on the results of our MEG study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences (Jerbi et al. PNAS, 2007)
FRANCE 5 (TV Channel)
December 2006: Interview and MEG data acquisition demo for a France 5 TV program entitled "L'oeil et la main" (a special issue focussing on the Brain and produced in collaboration with the program "C'est pas sorcier")
Innovation Le Journal (Online daily magazine)
Published online: April 23rd 2007 by Anna Musso
Title: "Imagerie : Le cerveau à la milliseconde" (reports on our MEG findings: Jerbi et al. PNAS 2007)
Techno-science.net (Online science and technology magazine)
Published online: April 19th, 2007
Title: "Observer le cerveau en action à la milliseconde près" (reports on our MEG findings: Jerbi et al. 2007)
► See all publications & invited lectures Press Releases / Communiqués de Presse
28.10.2011 - Inserm Press Release [French]
Quand des neurones se taisent pour ameliorer nos performances
URL Link | PDF Version
17.04.2007 - CNRS Press Release [French]
Observer le cerveau en action à la milliseconde près
URL Link

CRNL Winter Season Brain Talks 2014
Augmented Cognition & Repaired Brains?
"Du cerveau réparé au cerveau augmenté : quelles perspectives ?"
(Demi-journée conférences & débat)
The event will take place on March 24th 2014 from 2 to 6 pm,@ salle Soierie, Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier bât. 452, 95 bd Pinel 69500 Bron.
Interview with K Jerbi on France 2 (Télé Matin) for the 2013 national brain week ► Watch the video (Presented by: Laurence Beauvillard)
Interview with Karim Jerbi on Radio Canada by Yannick Villedieu
Science & Technology Program: Les Années Lumière
► Web link or ► Listen here
Interview: Claude Delpuech, Pierre-Emmanuel Aguera, Karim Jerbi, Margaux Perrin, Jérémie Mattout
Duration: 7 min
Directed by: François Demerliac
Coproduction: Universcience, Inserm, Virtuel 2012
► Watch on Universcience TV ! Scientific consulting for print media
October 2013 // Scientific consulting & proof-reading: Hors-série Sciences « Votre cerveau en 100 questions insolites », en vente jusqu’au 15 novembre 2013. |
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31.10.2011 - Le Point.fr - Science Section and RSS feed
Article title: La fonction "pause du cerveau"
Published on 31/10/2011 [French]
Reports the findings of our study of the electrophysiological underpinnings of the Default-Mode Network which we published in J Neuroscience (Ossandon et al. J Neurosci. 2011)
► PDF Link
Interview by Michel Albergantini on Science Public (France Culture, Paris)
Topic: Neuroscience and Theater with a focus on the project Binôme by Les Sens des Mots in collaboration with Inserm (see Art & Science section)
Guests: Karim Jerbi, Thibault Rossigneux, Antoine Tesnière & François Taddei
► France Culture Program 13.07.2012
30.06.2011: Millénaire 3 / Grand Lyon Resource Center
Interview with K Jerbi about Neuroscience & Robotics [French]
by Caroline Januel
► URL Link ► PDF version
Title: “Verra t’on notre cerveau fonctionner en direct ?”
Program: Science publique on France Culture (Radio France)
Broadcast: Friday, 11.07.2008
Presented by: Alberganti Michel / Produced by: Alléhaut Brigitte
Invited Guests: Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde, Karim Jerbi, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Jean-Luc Martinot & Jean-Yves Nau.
LE POINT (MAGAZINE) - April 2007
Title: "Neurones sous surveillance"
The French magazine Le Point reports on the results of our MEG study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences (Jerbi et al. PNAS, 2007)
FRANCE 5 (TV Channel)
December 2006: Interview and MEG data acquisition demo for a France 5 TV program entitled "L'oeil et la main" (a special issue focussing on the Brain and produced in collaboration with the program "C'est pas sorcier")
Innovation Le Journal (Online daily magazine)
Published online: April 23rd 2007 by Anna Musso
Title: "Imagerie : Le cerveau à la milliseconde" (reports on our MEG findings: Jerbi et al. PNAS 2007)
Techno-science.net (Online science and technology magazine)
Published online: April 19th, 2007
Title: "Observer le cerveau en action à la milliseconde près" (reports on our MEG findings: Jerbi et al. 2007)
► See all publications & invited lectures Press Releases / Communiqués de Presse
28.10.2011 - Inserm Press Release [French]
Quand des neurones se taisent pour ameliorer nos performances
URL Link | PDF Version
17.04.2007 - CNRS Press Release [French]
Observer le cerveau en action à la milliseconde près
URL Link
Karim JerbiKarim Jerbi► LINKS
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