Karim Jerbi, PhD
Associate Professor
Département de Psychologie
Université de Montréal
Quebec, Canada
Mila (Quebec AI Institute)
UNIQUE Neuro-AI Center
Canadian MEG Consortium

Karim Jerbi, PhD
Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroimaging Director, CoCo Lab (Cognitive & Computational Neuroscience Lab) Director, UNIQUE Quebec Neuro-AI research center Full Professor Psychology Department University of Montreal Pavillon Marie-Victorin 90, avenue Vincent d'Indy, local D-418 Quebec, Canada Email: karim.jerbi(at)umontreal.ca |
Short Bio
Karim Jerbi is a professor at the Psychology department of the University of Montreal.
He is Canada Research Chair in Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroimaging and heads UNIQUE, the Quebec-wide Neuro-AI research center. He is also associate professor at Mila (the Quebec AI research institute).
Dr Jerbi holds a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Imaging from the Pierre & Marie Curie University in Paris and a biomedical engineering degree from the University of Karlsruhe (Germany).
His research lies at the crossroads between cognitive, computational and clinical neuroscience. The specific goal of the research conducted in his lab is (1) to elucidate the role of neural oscillations and large-scale neural communication in cognition (incl. decision-making, attention, consciousness, creativity), and (2) to investigate brain network alterations in psychiatric and neurological disorders.
The multidisciplinary research conducted in his laboratory combines brain imaging techniques, such as magnetoencephalography (MEG), scalp- and intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) with advanced signal processing, modeling and data analytics including machine learning.
Dr Jerbi also has a keen interest in the convergence between neuroscience, AI and art, as well as the promotion of justice in and outside science.
Twitter : @karimjerbineuro
Web : www.karimjerbi.com
UNIQUE Neuro-AI Center: www.unique.quebec
Current positions
Canada Research Chair in Computational Neuroscience
and Cognitive Neuroimaging (Tier-2)
Full Professor, Psychology department, University of Montreal
Mila (Quebec AI Institute), Associate Professor
Director, Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience Lab (CoCo Lab)
Director, UNIQUE Neuro-AI Research Center
Associate Director, Functional Imaging Unit (UNF), CRIUGM
Co-Director, Canadian MEG Consortium (CMC)
Director, MEG Center at Université de Montréal
Key research topics:
► Data-driven Neuroscience Research using Artificial Intelligence
► From Neural Oscillations to Cognition (Consciousness, decision-making, creativity)
► Complex systems and large-scale network brain dynamics
► Network Dysfunction in Psychiatric Disorders
KJ Curriculum Vitae
KJ Google scholar citation metrics
KJ publication list on PubMed